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thumbnail [再生龍] Clonezilla Live 2.2.0-16 中文版 - 台灣製造免費硬碟備份還原與對拷軟體 取代Ghost跟True Image
Oct 29th 2013, 14:46, by 阿榮™

再生龍 Clonezilla Live
再生龍 Clonezilla Live
支援異機還原的硬碟備份軟體 - 再生龍 Clonezilla,分成免安裝單機版還原系統(Clonezilla Live)跟伺服器版(Clonezilla Server Edition),單機版(Clonezilla Live)可以直接燒錄ISO檔變成開機光碟,或者,下載ZIP格式解壓縮放在USB開機,開機後就直接選擇中文介面,依指示操作就可以備份或還原Windows、Linux的硬碟或分割區了!阿榮拿來備份一個3.1GB的Linux主機約花了十幾分鐘,備份完成的映像檔約600MB,備份完畢還可以檢查映像檔的正確性,避免備份失敗,不過要注意它不支援還原光碟的分片,所有還原的映像檔必須是一片CD或DVD;伺服器版用群播(Multicast)的方式以映像檔安裝41部電腦只需10分鐘左右,可以用來大量佈署學校或公司的電腦。(阿榮)(下載


Clonezilla, based on DRBL, Partclone and udpcast, allows you to do bare metal backup and recovery. Two types of Clonezilla are available, Clonezilla live and Clonezilla SE (server edition). Clonezilla live is suitable for single machine backup and restore. While Clonezilla SE is for massive deployment, it can clone many (40 plus!) computers simultaneously. Clonezilla saves and restores only used blocks in the harddisk. This increases the clone efficiency. At the NCHC's Classroom C, Clonezilla SE was used to clone 41 computers simultaneously. It took only about 10 minutes to clone a 5.6 GBytes system image to all 41 computers via multicasting!


i486版 - 通用給486 CPU使用的核心。
i686版 - 針對i686 CPU最佳化的核心。
amd64版 - 針對AMD64 or Intel 64 處理器使用的程式與核心。

下載連結→ [i486版] [i686版] [amd64版]

i486版 [2.2.0-16] [2.1.2-43] [2.1.2-20] [2.1.1-25]
i686版 [2.2.0-16] [2.1.2-43] [2.1.2-20] [2.1.1-25]
amd64版 [2.2.0-16] [2.1.2-43] [2.1.2-20] [2.1.1-25]
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